This engine is the product of a much longer process that began about two years ago. I wanted to learn how video games are made from scratch. I got a copy of Jason Gregory's book and read through the first several sections. It did a really good job of explaining to me the contours of the knowledge which I needed to get but wasn't really as useful for learning the exact particulars. In that sense, it lived up to its name and I don't know of any book that does what it does and would highly recommend it as a high level overview of game engines generally.
From here I somehow ended up getting into Gameboy Advance homebrew. I learned to set up the basic toolchain including Tonclib, which would also become my first introduction to very opinionated C programming, which was going to become a mainstay of my influences going forward. I worked at it for awhile, having never programmed anything that close to the hardware before and learning a lot about how code interacts with the metal when there isn't an operating system. I ended up rendering some tilemaps and a sprite and moving him around. This lead me to the issue of needing to know how to program 2D tile collision detection. I was kind of stumped. I tried a few things, looked into ways of representing which tiles collide with the sprite but I felt that everything I managed was really lacking.
This persistent sense that I really needed to know something more than I did to be effective lead to abandoning that project for the time being and spending several months watching and coding along with Handmade Hero and in that time I got exactly the education I was looking for. Casey takes you from zero to a working Win32 application that plays sound and draws pixels to the window within one or two weeks worth of daily episodes. Besides learning a lot of Win32 arcana, you are also watching someone program something live from scratch. For someone who was still pretty untested in terms of programming experience and ability (I had programmed a lot of small things in C++ and assembly, some school projects in Java and React Native, but nothing like this) it had marked effect on my development and style.
Eventually, as many HMH watchers do, I wanted to get to working on something of my own. One major thing which HMH didn't get into at all by the point I reached was modern graphics APIs and 3D rendering. So I set out to write a 3D game engine. The people I talked with all recommended that I use Direct3D 11 since I had access to Windows and no prior experience. It was fairly intense work to get going. I grabbed a couple of books about 3D math and a linear algebra textbook and worked through them while doing some of the initial programming.
Once again, I directly programmed the Win32 platform layer using what I learned in HMH. I was familiar with DirectSound but upon learning that it was deprecated and probably emulated on all modern systems, I made use of a small wrapper Martins Mozeiko wrote for WASAPI to provide a DirectSound-like API so that I could put off learning WASAPI for the future and keep working on the renderer.
In its current state, it renders a collection of textured spheres and cubes sprinning above a landscape plane beneath a beautiful retro skybox. Sound plays, there are basic movement physics and a first person camera with mouselook. Engine performs frustum culling, supports basic transparency, and can dynamically render random numbers of objects. For whatever reason, the most memorable aspect of the project so far was learning how VSSetConstantBuffers1 works, involving the memory layout of constant buffers and how to pack it properly and iterate over it. It was a lot of anguished reading of MSDN and searching for forums posts that didn't end up providing any clear answers. But after struggling and seeking advice from people I eventually had the moment where it all made sense and there was a flood of understanding.
Once I get time to return to it, I need to debug some faulty point lighting code which has been proving especially irksome, pictured below.